To provide a high quality Pre-School to Grade 5 non-profit school, centrally located on Old Mission Peninsula, that utilizes the unique campus and the strength of the community to foster a comprehensive learning experience.
Provide an active, meaningful, and challenging educational community where learning is collaborative and accessible to all students and is focused on continuous academic improvement and social and character growth.
• Create a school climate where students and staff are excited to show up and put their best foot forward socially and academically.
• Quality is celebrated and shared community-wide, instilling a level of pride that elevates the student’s drive to produce his/her highest quality work.
• Make standards come alive by connecting learning to real-world issues and needs.
• Promote discovery, inquiry, critical thinking, problem solving, and collaboration through meaningful cross-disciplinary projects.
• Facilitate student engaged assessment practices to build student ownership of learning, focus students on reaching standards-based learning targets, and drive achievement.
• Provide training and instructional support that allows both teachers and students opportunities for continuous data-driven improvement; where growth is celebrated.
• Engage the community by incorporating fieldwork, experts, and service learning.
• Build a culture of respect, responsibility, courage, and kindness where students and adults are committed to quality work and citizenship.
• Prepare students for global citizenship through utilization of inter-disciplinary teachings (e.g. developing knowledge of diverse cultures/political systems, while simultaneously instructing on the various symbiotic science components of the planet).
Work with us! We have openings for the following child-focused positions.